LENS Events Schedule
March 21st, 2021
Video Production Roundtable
Live Sound Production
Vocal Techniques
Beginning Arranging
Advanced Arranging
Beginning Vocal Percussion
Audio Production for Dummies
Sam Sosnowski & Lauren Guzman
Guest Clinician: RDX Productions
Alanna Mahon & Lishni Salgado
Alex Smith
Rachel Hammelman
Alyssa Merante
Kyle Howard & Noah Thomas
April 11th, 2021
Leadership Roundtable
De-escalating Aca-Drama
Finding Your Brand
Leading Effective Rehearsals
Can I Put This on My Resume?
Finances & Fundraising
Lauren Guzman, Alex Smith, & Joe Shanahan
Lishni Salgado & Elaina Giordano
Kiara Sanchez & Mackenzie Cohn
Kyle Howard & Sam Sosnowski
Alli Jakubek & Kevin Guest
Matthew Zager & Shilpa Gangisetty
Learn. Envision. Network. Sing.
Our flagship educational event is taking place virtually this year. LENS was created to bring together people from the a cappella community to learn and connect with one another at a full day of fun. Join us to take your skills to the next level and create lasting memories.
Cut Off Studios
Passionate. Personal. Professional.
Cut Off Studios is built on the pillars of community, education, and production. It's run by a group of dedicated a cappella nerds who want to share their passion with the world and help individuals and groups do a cappella, their way.